Monday, December 25, 2017

Family Reunion Decoration Ideas

From event theme to venue decorations, you'd certainly want the gathering (grand or not) to be cherished forever. Here are some simple and affordable Family Reunion Decoration Ideas. 

Social media offers virtual "meet" and greet with our clan, but there's nothing more like it than to reconnect with them in person. That's when reunion is made. After a thorough planning for the biggest parts of the reunion, venue decorations comes next. 

My father is voted as the Event Head, so the Program and Decorations Committees were tasked to my siblings and I.

***I have a list of other committees we had and their functions in another post

As a graphic designer, I headed the decorations committee. Part of it are our reunion shirts. We are divided into 4 teams with designated colors. I only designed the logo and mockups then our Secretariat managed the printing and purchasing of shirts up to house-to-house delivery the night before the family reunion.

Since we have decided the shirt design which is a logo stamp (loved by everybody, I think) I printed logo stickers to go with the ID kits. The ID kits included the name, programme and misalet.

I also made the ID kits in color coding to match the team or shirt colors. As of this photo, the whites are still in process.

For the venue, I cut triangles out of gina silk fabric the night before the family reunion. Stapled them onto the plastic straw rope (or whatever you call it). Still, they match with our team colors. These will be hung at the venue so for example, the cottage with green banners is designated for green team...and so on.

The arrival to the venue started at 7am so my decorations committee went to the venue before 5am. We cannot decorate the venue days before because the place was rented.

This is a beach so I've thought to put some colored flags. They surely look good with the wind and view. My father prepared the bamboo sticks, hammer and nails. My sister and cousin tied the flags.

It's superman, no, it's a monkey, no. 😄 That's my cousin who climbed to hang the color-coded banners. 😄

We must not forget our departed loved ones, so I added this part in the decorations. My father nailed a wooden plank to the tree where I can put the candle glasses on.

Initially, I should be removing the tables out from the 9 cottages so I can line them together for our food and do the table skirting, but they were fixed with ground cement. So we only used 1 cottage for all the food and used the benches as tables. 

I folded paper fans and stapled them together to make a circle. For one circle, I used 3 whole cartolinas. Then glue another circles with numbers on them. For the scallop design, it's just one cartolina folded as paper fan.

By the way, I also designed the tarpaulin background (4x8 feet) and added short balloon pillars on the sides.

Let's have a look at our simple Family Reunion Decoration Ideas.

The whole venue is rented for 4k. My 2 sisters sponsored to pay the rent. This is the Bikini Beach of Dauis, Panglao, Bohol with 7 cottages aligned and 2 cottages located separately. There are 2 restrooms, 3 separate tables without a hut, a washer and 2 grilling stations. No wifi 😄

The flags waiting for the wind to kiss them.

The food station gradually filling up with incoming food.

The "in memory" booth.

Table for the mass offerings.

The stage...

The altar for the holy mass.

To wrap up this post, I'm sharing the theme of our first ever family reunion...

Honouring the past
Celebrating the present
Nurturing the future
One reason, one link

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