Saturday, August 26, 2017

DIY: Filipiniana Mesh Umbrella

Couldn't find a unique umbrella like this with mesh cloth for my daughter's prop during their Buwan ng Wika Culmination at school, so why not make my own? Here's how to DIY: Filipiniana Mesh Umbrella.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

DIY: Homemade Sugar Wax Hair Remover

Hey mom, can't insert time for going to a salon? Or annoyed with the unwanted hairs? Hahaha. Give yourself some BEAUTY-ME-TIME even under the comfort of your home with this Homemade Sugar Wax Hair Remover.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Care After Tooth Extraction

Hey mommies! I understand not all mommies are superwoman. Even if we think we can do everything, still we need to mind ourselves as we are not exempted of weakness. Especially after any dental operation, one should take extra care.
With dentist / fellow mom
before my tooth extraction

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Puto Cheese Recipe

I've been making desserts on weekends since my kids know how to request food...and they're all no-bake recipes as I don't have an oven yet.😉Whenever my kids see something yummy on Disney or Youtube advertisements, they'd beg "Ma, kaon ta ana" meaning "Ma, let's eat that." This time, we're serving No-Bake Puto Cheese!