Thursday, November 1, 2018

Life Lessons from Watching Horror Movies

It's Halloween! Mostly, people like watching horror movies at this time of the year. I know I know it's a big NO in Christian living, even war or crime themed movies has adverse effects on our emotion and thinking, but I just want to point out some things or life lessons from watching horror movies.
I prefer not to use a scary photo. I adorn our altar every after church
and today I did this right before I write this blogpost.

I hesitated on writing this post for some reasons. However, one Sunday at the church, my son asked me when will he get to receive the Host Eucharist symbol of Bread too. I answered him that he has to attend Catechism before taking the Communion and Catechism is administered by Catechist, Lay Minister or Nun. Upon mentioning the word Nun, I saw fear and confusion in his reactions. Movie trailers are everywhere, especially on YouTube, and kids these days, including mine, have access to them. They have watched The Nun movie trailer and that makes them conclude that Nuns are monsters and forms of evil. OMG! I was astounded and feared that they might bring that conclusion forever, so on our way home, I explained to them about The Nun movie and what's the nun's role in that movie because still, I don't want them to watch it.

The Nun movie plot…
This movie is about a priest and a novitiate sent by the Vatican to investigate the mysterious death of a young nun who was thought to have committed suicide. As they uncover dark secrets that surround the nun's death, they have to confront an evil spirit who took the form of a nun (because there is no other human form there, just nuns). The heroine, novitiate Sister Irene, knew the history of the abbey that it was a former castle built by a duke who was obsessed with the occult and summoned demonic entity. But that demon was killed by Christian knights and sealed its container with the blood of Jesus Christ. The castle was turned into an abbey so the nuns can protect and keep it at bay through constant prayers, swapping in shifts. But during the WWII bombings, the container was opened and unleashed Valak. Sister Irene met other nuns and joined them in desperate prayer to fend off the demon. When the group reunited for prayer, Irene discovered that none of the nuns were alive and she had been praying alone. She realized that the nun who committed suicide was the last nun to protect the abbey and sacrificed herself to stop Valak from possessing her body to unleash evil on Earth. Believing that Valak can only be stopped if they reseal its container with the blood of Jesus Christ, Sister Irene requested the priest to make her solemn vows and elevate her as a professed nun. The last nun who protected the abbey had a key to the vial that contained the sacred blood. Sister Irene got it and expelled the blood of Christ in Valak's face. Valak banished and sealed.

It's not yet the end of Valak's story coz years later she emerged by possessing Maurice or Frenchie, the young man who reported the nun's suicide incident. Maurice was featured in Conjuring 1 and Valak in Conjuring 2.

So there, the Nuns are not the villains of the story. They were the prayer warriors, the ones protecting the unleash of an evil. The trailer or movie poster maybe misleading.

The Nun is just one of the horror movies I've watched. Yes, I watch horror movies but not alone and not inside my home. I just think it releases negative energy after watching.

Nonetheless, horror movies give some life lessons, so hear me out:

1. If you see a book or sign written in Latin, don't try to read and translate or just never ever mess with it. Latin texts are powerful and they're used either to close or open a portal.

2. If anything unusual happens in the middle of the night, ignore and do not investigate. Unwanted spirits are very glad to curious minds.

3. Don't wander around the cemetery or any abandoned or dark place. Do not touch unfamiliar stuff. Like the genie which comes out after the kettle was touched, lucky it's harmless or else. So better leave things to where they used to be.

4. Do not be overwhelmed by a beautiful place, event or individual. It might have something dark hidden behind or terrible price in return.

5. Be able to differentiate between natural and supernatural events -- mostly fires, unexpected movements, shadows, etc.

6. Do the thing at daytime and leave before it gets dark or vice versa. Just be keen to your surroundings and pay attention to warnings.

7. Do not be affected by peer pressures even if they label you as a coward. Better safe than sorry.

8. Always stay with the group. In a group, don't be the weakest link as you can be a reason for inevitable events. Keep up!

9. Respect the world and beyond as we're not the only ones who inhabit this world. So don't just spit or take a piss anywhere. You might disturb an unseen kingdom.

10. Make some noise enough to cast bad elements away so turn on your worship songs.

11. Crucifix, Bible or any religious symbol is just an object. It is not powerful and cannot protect you from evil unless you give sanctity to it.

12. Memorize a simple prayer like I believe in God and Our Father and do it by heart for protection and enlightenment. I'm also sharing this Biblical prayer which our whole family has strong faith. My kids memorized this already too.

Psalm 91
God Our Protector
91 Whoever goes to the Lord for safety,
    whoever remains under the protection of the Almighty,
2 can say to him,
    “You are my defender and protector.
    You are my God; in you I trust.”
3 He will keep you safe from all hidden dangers
    and from all deadly diseases.
4 He will cover you with his wings;
    you will be safe in his care;
    his faithfulness will protect and defend you.
5 You need not fear any dangers at night
    or sudden attacks during the day
6     or the plagues that strike in the dark
    or the evils that kill in daylight.

7 A thousand may fall dead beside you,
    ten thousand all around you,
    but you will not be harmed.
8 You will look and see
    how the wicked are punished.

9 You have made the Lord your[a] defender,
    the Most High your protector,
10 and so no disaster will strike you,
    no violence will come near your home.
11 God will put his angels in charge of you
    to protect you wherever you go.
12 They will hold you up with their hands
    to keep you from hurting your feet on the stones.
13 You will trample down lions and snakes,
    fierce lions and poisonous snakes.

14 God says, “I will save those who love me
    and will protect those who acknowledge me as Lord.
15 When they call to me, I will answer them;
    when they are in trouble, I will be with them.
    I will rescue them and honor them.
16 I will reward them with long life;
    I will save them.”

We may be entertained by horror movies but honestly, it is a waste of time and energy. However, I am neutral. You can watch these type of movies if you want, but don't let it dim your path to God.

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