Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Railey's Minecraft Birthday

There is a mobile game today that my son and his friends love to play. So when his birthday was coming up, I asked him what character theme he wants. It's Minecraft! Okay, Minecraft birthday theme it is.

Minecraft party theme for Railey's 8th birthday, but just a simple one. We only invited few people - family, neighbors and some of his classmates. And as usual, I DIY the decors and setup.

His birthday falls on a holiday, no class, so the day before his birthday is a Jollibee lunch with his classmates and teachers.

When he got home, I tasked him to prepare the lootbags for tomorrow's party.

By the way, I also got this Minecraft invitation design from Google but I made some minor edits to it.

I ordered this cake from our neighborhood. I sent them a Minecraft cake design to follow. This is ₱850 with buttercream frosting and moist chocolate inside.

My simple DIY party setup. When I do party decors for someone, I put extra efforts to it. But when it's for our own, I only do the simple ones. Why? It's the budget. Hahaha.

I didn't even hired a host clown or special emcee. My neighbor, close friend, did the honors. Hahaha.

The gwapitos

Mom friends at the school


Bro-in-Law mamang sorbetero

Chaka moms

My family came all the way from Bohol.

Another birthday party we celebrated without their father whose sacrifices abroad is beyond measure. It's a weekday so he's at work and the videocall was short. All he gets are pictures, videos and this blogpost. For OFW wives, like me, these times are our struggle. To celebrate without him and to explain things to kids why this happens. Oh well, enough!

To my son, Josh Railey Cyrus, know that we are lucky to have a kuya like you. Papa may not be so wordy of his affections but he does everything he could to make us, YOU, happy. Happy 8th birthday, we love you always.

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